New Release
Embark on a vibrant journey with "Colors of the World," an enchanting book created by a passionate black author, Sharnel Young. Join Dony and Sanji, the delightful characters, as they take your child on a captivating adventure exploring the kaleidoscope of colors in our world. Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, this educational book is tailored for young minds eager to learn about colors and experience the wonders of the world. Designed to celebrate diversity and representation, "Colors of the World" is not just a book; it's a key to unlocking the colorful tapestry of learning for your child. Don't miss the opportunity to add this must-have addition to your child's library!
About Sharnel Young
"In 'Colors of the World,' I crafted diverse tales for my son, Dontell II, driven by a passion for representation. With support from my husband, Dontell, and guided by faith, this marks my debut in children's literature—a journey of gratitude, inviting you to explore stories that educate, entertain, and inspire young minds."